World of Words #18: “Trust the Process!”

Sometimes, as we grind through a project, it can be tough to visualize the end or even the next steps and the way ahead. For writers or any other type of creative professional, this can be frustrating, distracting and very counter-productive. At times like these, we have to trust the process. We have to trust the plan that we have so carefully scripted. We have to trust the hours upon hours that we have dedicated to our craft. We have to trust our muse and our creative energy. We have to have Faith. All of these can be part of “the process” along with anything else that helps to nurture our creativity and production. We owe it ourselves and our projects to trust our respective creative process, whatever that process may be. If we have a process we followed in the past that helped us get from the infancy of a project to its successful ending, trust it. And what if we don’t have a creative process? Well, that could be part of the problem and this is the time to create one.

When we encounter obstacles in our creative process, it can be easy to allow the entire project to get derailed, to get discouraged, to make excuses, and to quit. But again, we have to trust the process. Creativity starts with an idea right? Followed by some planning and then action. From cradle to grave, there is a process we follow. We have to trust that process, whatever it entails. And if that means that we make revisions and tweaks to that process along the way, then great, but the objective is to continue to trust and believe in ourselves and that process.

When we hit a wall, we should take the time to look back at the process and ask ourselves: “What am I missing?”, ”What could I have done or be doing better?”, “Where do I go from here?”, “What is my desired ending?” Let’s allow ourselves to answer these questions in the most honest manner possible in an attempt to clear the fog and find that light at the end of the tunnel. If you find that trusting the process isn’t working for you, then perhaps it is time to reevaluate the process and the viability of your project. But don’t see this as just a failure, instead, try to see it as an opportunity to get better as well. If the project is solid, then the process should be solid too. Make adjustments as needed, but don’t stop moving forward and don’t stop trusting yourself and your process.

Until the next time, write on!


World of Words# 19 “Content IS King!”


World of Words #17: “Writing Our TRUTH!”